
Autotask to weclapp Account Sync

von: ApplicationLink
Synchronisiere die Accounts deiner Kunden & Lieferanten.

ab 20€/ Monat

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This integration synchronizes account data of customers and suppliers between Autotask and weclapp. In this implementation Autotask is your main CRM database regarding accounts. New accounts or changes on existing accounts can be transferred to weclapp to make sure in both solutions the most recent information is available regarding customers and suppliers. If in both solutions accounts already exist it is important to manually create a connection between two similar accounts first, before using the integration to update accounts. Non-existing accounts will be created automatically when running this solution. This link can be executed manually or automated via our scheduler which can be set-up in the link settings. After every transfer a log can be viewed on our platform or via mail. This log will show you the accounts that were created/updated and/or the ones that failed (including the reason why).


Project and administration costs = € 150 one-off (*)
Subscription Autotask to weclapp account sync = € 20 per month

(*) When you order multiple integrations at once, this fee will only be charged once.


Ringersstraat 21N
3125 BP Schiedam


Relevant documents for this integration are:

  • Set-up application login Autotask;
  • Set-up application login weclapp;
  • Set-up account link between Autotask and weclapp.


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